Pin the tail people! Chickens and cocks allowed to enter. No bites allowed, mmkay? TNT- Quinn's is bigger. LMDO x 4000. No slash allowed.
Hello dear 5 biters, I am starting my 5 bite journey today. I am usually a water fasting once a year type of person but I really want to try doing this. I am not too much overweight ,possibly just 10-15 pounds or so, it's always those last few pounds
and it was cheap as chips. oh thats right i just remembered and glad i did mods, i will upload then bring her over, not going to end this till i bring it over. thanks, remember no chinese, me speaka italiano. 18.5tall 6 across and length 7.5 cms it
There is more than one plan out there that count bites. G- bites recomends 6 bites Three times a day with a cup of fruit juice with each meal. (I would recomend a piece of fruit instead of fruit juice) The lady that designed it lost 90 lbs in 3 month
Hi all, Just wanted to ask your advice, I have read several posts where people say the weight loss slows down after a while, I was wondering if there would be any benefit to cycling the number of bites I ate, for example 1 day 8 having bites, next day
Which is better?!?! I'm wrestling and here's my dilemma- 4x= good for the metab., a little easier with a mid-afternoon snack, seems slightly less extreme, and teaches good eating habits (the numerous meals) 2x= faster, less temptation to cheat than
I have been experimenting with eating 10 bites low carb versus 10 bites with carbs. So far I am finding that 10 bite days with no carbs works well, but contributes to the headaches. I would also like to try 10 bites Vegan and lowering salt. It seems I