group s

Born in Europe©

Lets invite people, and discuss about EVERYTHING!

born, europe, this, created, bring, back, discussions, from, original, #group, that, unfortunately, invaded, animals, lets

Free forum : DNC - Online

Free forum : DNC - Design 'N' Create - is an amature game designing group based in South Africa. The three memebrs and founders - Dillon Theodore, Ntsikelelo Mnsitshana and Charl-André Fourie - are all

design, create, online, dillon, ntsigo, charl, charl-andré, fourie, theodore, ntsikelelo, mnsitshana, games

Free forum : Darkening Shadows

Free forum : Home of the Vanguard, a superhero RPG/Group originally using Squadron UK/Golden Heroes rules now using heavily adapted DC Heroes/Blood of Heroes game rules. Started in October 09 and still going strong!

superheroes, super, hero, golden, heroes, executive, lore, knights, squadron, role, play, playing, role-playing, game, megs, blood

Free forum : AQW Clan: Final Crusade

Free forum : The Final Crusade, a group of dedicated players from AdventureQuest Worlds, the MMO from AE Entertainment. We are Strong, and dedicated to creating a great gaming expirience.

free, clan:, final, crusade


pokemon chat and forum. pkmnnation. pokemon, chat, forum

pokemon, chat, pkmnnation, #group, active

Free forum : Mochaccino Underground

free forum : A fun-loving group sharing a variety of interests, supporting advocacy & always has the coffee pot brewing!

social, advocacy, court, cases, legal, issues, games, hobbies

Of Masks and Mirrors

A Place for the Sudbury Larp Group to contiue their game

vampire, requiem, white, wolf, world, darkness, sudbury, larp

Hunters of Blood

A modern day Vampire role play set in Italy. Come and join our coven and our safe house. Here you are free to use your powers without fear of being hunted! Aka Cacciatori di Sangue. Connected though d

free, forum, hunters, blood, role, play, #group, cacciatori, sangue, vampire, powers, power, ability, abilities, elder, ranks, servant, ballroom, mansion, half-blood, pure, create

Blue Flame Candle

We don't make games. We make art.

erah, blue, flame, candle, #group, video, game, fantasy

Free forum : f1comp solutions' forum

Free forum : We are an Internet based discussion group for participants with common interests.

modem, money, saving, free, download, links, video, from, youtu

Free forum : The Constant

Free forum : A group for blah blah CoH players to blah blah.

free, constant

Free forum : RP World

Free forum : This is a long term roleplay group intent on improving our writing and having fun.

free, forum, world, roleplaying, feudal, japan, post, apocalyptic, dystopian, character, development

A Beastial Triumvirate

Free forum : A group of Lycan lead by the Triumvirate wolves.

free, beastial, triumvirate

Free forum : Evolution: Demigods in Training

Free forum : A forum designed to facilitate play of the game Evolution, an internet gem from the age before google, where players take on the role of young godlings and attempt to shape a group of

role, playing, game, evolution, demi-god, play, post

The Seven Samurai

A small free forum for a group or groups of people to indulge in roleplays in whatever genre they choose. No limits, participate in how ever many you like.

roleplay, forum, role, play, free, fantasy, sci-fi, science, fiction

Free forum : Kindred-knights

Free forum : A role play group for the game VTMR (Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption)

free, kindred-knights

The Possé

In need of an Alpha Male! ( A wolf pack in the making )

wolf, awesome, roleplay, pack, wolves, canine, forum, role, play, #group

H2H (Henshokuhi) - A Roleplaying Group by ShinTheory

Welcome to Henshoken (Fading Light). The story is about a tri- fold world that includes the earth, a demonic, and a heavenly realm. The site is mainly focused on the earth in a city known as SaiCity. This city resembles a mix between a traditional

roleplaying, underworld, vampires, lycans, role, playing, shin, theory, shintheory, anime, statbased, stat, based

Uimates Central Hub

Crossed over from MSN Groups, the Uimate Role-Playing Group is the place to go where you want to be someone OTHER than yourself. Yes the name is misspelt, but its become one of the sit

free., role-playing, role, play, fantasy, sci-fi, science, fiction, magic, technology, mutants, superhero, superheroes, x-men, comic, books

The Legion of RP

Welcome, we are a group of Role players seeking out a home. We except all forms of Role players, both young and old, new and experienced, and even active and inactive. We are The Legion of RP.

free, forum, legion, werewolf, vampire, mage, role, play, demon, mythical, being, necromancy, advanced, human, tech, districts, mages, warriors, lycan, fighting


A fan site and play by post roleplaying group for popular fictional universes—reanimated!

reanimated, play, post, roleplaying, game, role, supernatural, project, angel, spies, games, jane, austen, fight, club

Free forum : 25th Military Police Regiment

free forum : Forum for the 25th Military Police Regiment, based outside of Malton (Urban Dead Group)

free, 25th, military, police, regiment

Her Behind The hero

A Site For All Wives & Girlfriends Of The British Armed Forces

forum, armed, forces, wives, girlfriends, serving, ex-serving, british, personnel, army, wife, girlfriend, support, #group

The United Ranks

Military Support Forum : Our mission is to give people the strength and courage necessary to make it through the trials and tribulations of knowing someone in the military.

united, ranks, military, support, fiancee, wife, girlfriend, brat, marines, army, navy, coast, guard, national, airforce, help, #group

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