This is the new forum of L2-Bloodrain. We dont know if this forum will be our head forum but untill the 1. 11. when the server (should) be up again we will write all news down here.
Free forum : This is the forum of the new PVE/PVP guild Blood Brothers of Doomhammer
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A fun place to discuss new things about club penguin, you may join and start posting right away.
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for all members of Vicible Dragoon. VincibleDragoon
This is terrabyte wow new forum. Wind Talon Forums. Wind Talon forum server forum
This site is the new 99starz open beta site!Be happy, be soo happy!Get to register here for FREE and join in the fun of 99starz guild!
The new Kameal server. ShadowL2 Interlude server. ShadowL2 Kameal
With the combination of NSA & WOWF we bring to you the new World of Wrestling Forums
Greatest Defiance Clan ever the Freemasons are just for you. This gaming community accepts all Defiance players, and is always looking for new clan members.
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A 13th Interval Pernese Weyr, with both Cannon colored dragons and new, mutan colored dragons.
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Free forum : An oceanic guild for Star Wars The Old Republic. We are a Republic guild, perhaps with some connections within the Sith Empire...
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New WoW Hamachi Private Server Hamachi info: ID: FireWoWPrivateServer Pass: 123
Best Maplestory™ forum out there!
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Check out new website calientecraft. org
Forsaken Grounds Online Forum
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A New and Rising Pking/Duel Arena Based Forum.
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These are DreamX Beta forums and will only be used for the time until new forums a created.
Synergy Gaming is a Xbox Live, Paintball, and social community. Come game with our members, listen to music, read from our bloggers, or grow a new friendship! Come check us out.
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Acesta este forumul OFICIAL al serverului SunShine
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HydroPK Version 2.0 - Brand new HydroPK Runescape Private Back and Better than ever!
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We're a welcoming group of PC gamers, always looking for new people to play with. If you enjoy teamwork and a friendly community that plays a multitude of games, this is the place for you.
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OpenKore is a custom client and an advanced automated assistant for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. All configs and macros are stored here.
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