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Topics linked your research : piston

ONAN 20hp horizontal shaft opposed piston engine diagrams

You mods may want to add another section for Onan or "OTHER" Here's some diagrams I came across on the onan engine I'm rebuilding for Red Fox. As soon as I find the link again, I'll add it. The page has everything you need to know to rebuild

Why wont the piston not go down far enough to let gas in on my 40 cc 2 stroke engine?

alright so on the 40 cc 2 stroke engine the piston will not go down far enough to let gas in. i took a video so yall could see what i mean. as you can see it will go up and down but wont go any lower than the top of the intake manifold. i stuck my finge

KWA Piston Issue & High Five to KWA

First, I want to say this is in no way a complaint about KWA's products. While at Operation Broken Home in Oklahoma, I experienced a failure in my (roughly) 1 year old KWA SR-10. The gun has seen many many many thousand rounds through it, primarily

Piston Head O-Ring, Compression Issue

This afternoon I chrono'd my KWA SR-10 as it had recently been shooting visibly slow. The chrono showed my SR-10 to be shooting at 230 FPS. I took the gun apart and felt a compression issue with the piston and the cylinder. Basically I placed my

Piston head.

I bought this piston body: http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=9529 And the piston head I had for my old body (that is being replaced) had a wide front that the o-ring pushed against when air was being pushed through the head ports.

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