
Topics linked your research : sheaves

Changed sheaves,

Shortly after getting my bike I ordered the whiterhino cut sheave with 12 gram rollers and was really impressed but keep my stock sheave just in case. After seeing everyone with such good luck with James sheaves and the greaseless weights I decided it was

Say Goodbye to machined sheaves!!

Been working on something to replace the machined sheave for a while and we finally have it. Even though it appears the Hunterworks sheave has the least amount of what is termed " roller weight flop" due to us not machining as much out of the

UTV Crap has Rhino 450 machined sheaves for $69.95...

$99.95, with a $30 refund when you send in your core. Make its $69.95... I have them holding one for me. Now I have to figure out if I want to change the spring and/or weights while I'm in there. Something I hadn't even really planned on doing,

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