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Topics linked your research : tranny

Got the tranny out of the cub

Got the tranny out of the Cub yayGetting it ready to drain the fluid

Help! Tranny moaning and groaning

So i just bought a GoPro and i bolted the plastic bottom thing onto the mower because i cant get more mounts until next week but i wanted to test it out. Sooooo make with what ya got, right? At the end of my video im on my way home and the tranny just

tranny ? 5 speed or 6 speed

ok i have just got a new parts craftsmen 2 witch is a small one that comes with the 12hp and this one has the 6 speed, and i have on my big craftsmen 2 has a 5 speed. witch one is better for off road and mudding? before i pull apart my big one apart and

EMP Tranny Saver

Works slick... Engage: Push brake with right foot - push bracket over with left foot Disengage: Push on brake pedal like normal operation to release bracket It's black - only yellow for the pictures eBay LINK

tranny question

hey i was wondering what wieght gear oil i should put in my tranny. and also how much does it take to fill er up? i figure since im buildin a speed demon i should take out the reverse chain. i heard that can cause problems at the higher speeds. what do

What kinda oil do you use in your tranny?

Hey guys, just wannted to know what kinda oil you guys use in your trannys and also how you put it in (nipple, open it up...) I think its time for me to do somthin with my tranny.

tranny rebuild

i cant get my top to sit down on my tranny why yall

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